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Te Kete Ipurangi

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Courses are subsidised for Ako Panuku members. If you require travel/accommodation support, your registration needs to be received at least 3 weeks prior to the workshop. 

Please see our Travel and Accommodation Policy for information around travel support. 


Please note: Should the participant cancel within one week of the workshop being held, the kura and teacher will be invoiced to cover any incurred costs that we are not otherwise able to recover (such as travel, accommodation, and workshop fees).


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NCEA co-requisites: Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau
Auckland | Thursday, Aug 22, 2024 - Friday, Aug 23, 2024
Enrolments Close: Wednesday, Aug 14, 2024, 12:00 PM


This two-day course is designed to strengthen kaiako understanding of the NCEA co-requisite requirements for Te Reo Matatini and for Pāngarau, including the implications for programme development. Whilst the course is particularly suitable for kaiako teaching year 7-10 students, it is still appropriate for kaiako teaching students leading up to year 7 and beyond year 10. This course is a repeat of the one held earlier in the year.

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Pūtaiao Symposium
Hamilton | Thursday, Oct 24, 2024 - Friday, Oct 25, 2024
Enrolments Close: Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024, 3:00 PM


This two-day symposium is designed for kaiako interested in broadening their knowledge of Pūtaiao. Participants will hear from experts in the field and will have opportunities to workshop ideas on ways to motivate and engage ākonga. The focus of the symposium will be on Pūtaiao in real-life contexts. This will include medicine, primary production, environmental science, conservation, climate change, engineering, and architecture.

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Ka Hoka - Leadership Training
Wellington | Thursday, Oct 31, 2024 - Friday, Nov 1, 2024
Enrolments Close: Wednesday, Oct 23, 2024, 12:00 PM


This two-day workshop is designed for those who would like to further develop their leadership capabilities and is suited for those that have participated in Ako Panuku's Ka Marewa – Leadership Bootcamp programme.

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Wānanga Reo - Christchurch
Christchurch | Thursday, Nov 7, 2024 - Friday, Nov 8, 2024
Enrolments Close: Friday, Jul 5, 2024, 3:00 PM

Email akopanuku@haemata.co.nz if you wish to go on the waitlist.

This two-day Ako Panuku Wānanga Reo is designed specifically for teachers focusing on improving teacher language through a focus on grammar, error identification, and teaching strategies. Te reo Māori is the main language of instruction and learning at wānanga reo. You will be expected to communicate as much as possible in te reo Māori.

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Tūhuratanga Pūtaiao 1
ONLINE | Available Now

The first module, of the Tūhuratanga Pūtaiao series, covers different types of scientific investigations to introduce to your ākonga.

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Tūhuratanga Pūtaiao 2
ONLINE | Available Now

This second module, of the Tūhuratanga Pūtaiao series, covers the process of carrying out a scientific investigation and types of data that can be useful.

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Tūhuratanga Pūtaiao 3
ONLINE | Available Now

This third module, of the Tūhuratanga Pūtaiao series, focuses on setting a good question for a scientific investigation.

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Tūhuratanga Pūtaiao 4
ONLINE | Available Now

The final module in the Tūhuratanga Pūtaiao series, looks at observation as investigation.
